CAPITOLO 沙发造型柔软纤细,由包裹性强但结构科学的坐垫组成。由于它的腰部支撑和手动机制,允许扶手和高靠背有不同的倾斜度,是放松的最佳选择。
CAPITOLO 沙发有织物和皮革选择。多种尺寸:单人、双人、三人,转角模块、贵妃椅和脚踏。金属脚沿整个坐垫的轮廓线平缝进行装饰。
This soft and slender model, made up of enveloping yet structured cushions, is perfect for relaxing thanks to its lumbar support and manual mechanism that allows various inclinations of both the armrest and the high backrest. Capitolo is available in fabric and leather corner modules, chaise longue, and pouf, supported by metal feet decorated with a contour flat stitching along the entire cushions.